Amulets to attract money and good luck

Want to get rich, and the money if you are not going to you? Working overtime, and the wealth and it is not easy to get? This situation is familiar to many. The fact that the amount of money that a person is not always related to what works.

To share the secrets of their success, were enriched people often tell stories of pets to attract money. Someone helped magical pendant, someone — the figure of the ancient deity, while others assert that have become gains after that, as everywhere began to carry a talisman of good luck — four leaf clover.

Today we're going to talk about how to attract good luck with the magical aid of the allocation. You will learn about the most popular and effective pets, as well as learn how to produce by itself.

The attraction of the good luck: reality or myth?

the lucky mascot

A debate about if you can the money of the mascot to attract wealth, which is augmented over the centuries. Some people sure that this is possible. Others laugh, declaring that, sitting on the sofa, not make any money. Think about the experts?

Most of them are in agreement with the last opinion. But not everything is as easy as that! The amulets did not appear today — which originated in the ancient cultures, the knowledge about the world more of what we are today. And this is something he does say. The people of ancient times believed that the special items, manufactured with special material, can attract energy of the Russian language.

And that is exactly what I agree psychics of modernity. To make the amulet and ğsemántica that you will fall the wealth, not worth. So it does not work. For the money of the pet to comply with your task, you need to believe in him and the more you do something, to achieve success. Your faith will generate the flow of energy, and the amulet of the send where it is necessary.

Despite the fact that it is completely logical of the arguments, some of us are still rejecting the amulets and talismans. In the same way, others reject god. Believe it or not, that is your business. Good and we'll give you more interesting pets, and we will explain how to use them.

As attract good luck and the richness of the different peoples

Talismans of luck is not simply magical trinkets, and the piece of the culture of the ancient peoples. Part of this knowledge sun sacred was lost in the centuries, but something that has come down to us. Locations of these knowledge, ways of getting rich, too inaccurate, sometimes it is described with sufficient detail.

It is difficult to judge which of the many strengths of effective talismans work better than others, since that is a huge amount.

Clover pocket mouse, horse, horseshoes, beetle, a chinese dragon, Alatyr is only a few incredibly large number of amulets that help you to get rich, be happy, call the good luck.

In addition, there are a lot of special magic rituals celebrated to create an amulet or separate from him. For example, our ancestors enjoyed reading about amulets of conspiracies. Turning to ancient deities in the midnight or in the early morning, they ask for protection, happiness and prosperity.

In the east it is not customary to read the conspiracies. In asian countries establish talismans of good luck, in particular in the sectors of the room, therefore, the activation of invisible currents of energy. While the ancient egyptians executed amulets of wealth and good luck, even from the dead. Put put magic attributes in the tombs, or adorned with them, in the body of the deceased person.

Is not necessary to forget and about each signs, superstitions, etc, Luck go not only of charm, but the adherence to the old standards, that were given us by the previous generations.

General tips to attract wealth

In the century of progress, the majority of the superstitions and take the oblivion. We now know and use only a small part of the enormous amount of advice, heard from our grandparents. Not prepared a version of the garbage after the sunset, we do not clean close to the person in the cleaning. But few are those who remember, why they do it.

What are the superstitions related to wealth and good luck:

  • For that in the portfolio, were always carried money, it is necessary to expose the tickets to the couple. When you open your wallet, small bills should be back, while the large front. So the trinket would depart from you.
  • Hold the handle of the broom down. The slavs believed that the broom abandoned in its normal position, clean the house of all happiness.
  • Do not leave on the table, the empty bottle, otherwise, it will attract poverty.
  • After the making of money must not get out of the house, along with them will go all well being. In order not to lose your lucky, we'll have to go in debt for the morning or the afternoon. But do not transfer money through the threshold.
  • Another superstition related to the debt — the prohibition of lending money on a particular day of the week. It is considered that the person who shared the money, the Tuesday of all life held in the debt. The Monday is also under the ban, but it is a lesser evil. If you borrow to someone money on this day, you all week bother unforeseen expenses.

Many have heard of what you can not give money in his left hand. Some think that the lack of knowledge by the council to bring the misfortune. But, in reality, it is a rule of courtesy. Taking the money, you take your hand, which is nearest to the heart (the left), expressing his sincerity. Repay the debt with the sugar arm in signal that knowingly gives the money, and not stay out of this.

The major talismans of good luck

As you want to vala the happiness of the family and of the spiritual wealth, in each of the cultures have the money for the pet. In fact, thanks to the money you can fill in the table of the meal, the house of articles of first necessity, and the closets of the clothes and the footwear of the season.

The amulet of good luck, the happiness, the joy, the fame, the money, accompanies the humanity since the antiquity. Some of these talismans relevant, and now.

Slavic symbols of wealth

In souvenir tobacconists sell amazing type of lucky charms, to help you be successful. We, sometimes, we buy, not to think about the fact that our culture also is no stranger to the money under.

Slavic lucky charms to attract money and good luck:

  • The Star Of The Cross. The action of this nature aim to achieve success. Your goal is to make a fortune? So necessarily buy an amulet.
  • Burdock Happiness is another amulet which gives luck in any enterprise. Having done this Slavic amulet of luck, not only increase the income but improve the health, as the Burdock Happiness envelops its owner the purification of aura.

Any of these characters can be used as a wearable amulet or embroidered brand name on the clothing. His power does not change.

The stones that attract money and good luck

the spell of money

The pet, positive, luck, and other positive aspects of the vibration, you can become a stone common. Correct mineral will cause its owner to the happiness and wealth. The specialists identified a number of cameos, capable of becoming the amulet of wealth.

Here are some of them:

  • Rodonita — helps to deal with the problems and takes the situation to a success. Infused into quality business man.
  • Jade — with this stone you can obtain any amount (within reasonable limits, of course). Tell the stone, in what quantity you need and he will find the way to bring the money to you.
  • The beryl. Wealth is often accompanied by envy or anger of others. But it is not always distance themselves from this negativity and then the person starts to look for a failure. To protect yourself from another person of the negativity, you will need the beryl. The stone will also help you to get out of the financial pit.

Do not forget about astrology. The stones, collected by the sign of the zodiac, can also become a good amulet. Just don't buy everything they had, and choose of the recommendations, which coincides with their preferences.

House plants

The experts recommend to buy one or the other floors of the house, to clean the energy, the space of the house. And we, the buyers, we seldom think that there is behind all this. The fact that the flowers in the pots clean energy in the home, affecting not only the welfare of the people, but also in their aspirations for success.

Moneytree, known to science under the name "jade" is the feng shui of the pet, which fills the house of happiness, joy and prosperity. The tree is accepted to plant yourself or as a gift, but not buy.

All these lucky charms in attracting good luck on all the flowers. About them have to worry about — water, clean the dust, make the follow-up, and the sun has not burned his papers. Just don't forget that the flowers in pots and amulets — are bound to him with requests and, in gratitude for your attention, that will bring pleasant happiness.

The runes help you

Rune symbols actively used in divination in the future, it can also become a talisman of good luck.


  • symbolize the fire of the creation of the new stage of life, a new project at work);
  • are responsible for the acquisition of something new (Russian language);
  • help maintain what's there.

Before the rune associated with the norse deities of fertility and love, therefore, the links of the buttons help to achieve well-being, on two levels, material and spiritual.

As a lucky charm you can use not only a rune. This can be a talisman with the triple image of this rune, or a combination of the other runes.

It is important to remember that the runes inscribed correctly, can incur problems. If confidence in their knowledge of the ancient characters do not, it is better to acquire ready rune of the pet in the shop.

Of wood or of metal decoration will be more effective for amulet for good luck and wealth, but if there is not time to buy, you can use a fall-back option — to draw runes on a piece of paper and hide in the portfolio.

Lucky charms feng shui

The doctrine of feng shui teaches us with the mind to approach to the provision of living space and help to activate the special energy, responsible for the different goods.

They do so with the help of pets:

  • Threelegged toad — the most popular form of asian good-luck talisman. To ring, the amulet must be done correctly. Do not buy a toad, if you do not have the effect of red-eye-marbles and coins in the mouth.
  • Khotey. This figure of God is often confused with the buddha, but in reality Khotey is effective for the amulet. In the hands of he can be other attributes of the good luck — the bag with the money, gold ingots, a gem, or a cane of bamboo. For Khotey brought the money, more than 300 times zero deity tum, and then asks for a wish.
  • Figure of a horse or a dragon. Both of these animals symbolize success and prosperity. The horse and the dragon is used in business circles — amulets confer to their masters, dedication, the providence, the ability to find in all parts of your benefit.

Slavic amulets were found in the red corner, in a prominent place and a place of honor. But to chinese charms require a different approach. Can not be put in any place. Only in the correct zone, so that the energy of this sector and the charm to match.

Know where to place the dryer-shuy amulet, you can use the grid bagua. In it appear all sectors, in line with the parts of the light. Each of the sectors has its own vehicle and the name.

For the talismans are removed to a place in the south east of the bathing area. However, some of them can also be placed in the area of the race, or the area of the wisdom.

Pocket of lucky charms

attract good luck

Often the money lucky amulets installed in the house. However, some of them is to put in a special place, is strongly associated with the money in the wallet.

The majority of portfolios out in a way such that they do not fit bulky amulets. Therefore, the data of the saves make it very small, just a thumbnail, format.

That is by the guard:

  • Pocket mouse. Perceived by many as the plagues of mice — that drag the food and the spread of the disease. But the mouse does not this. Cm figure of a rodent, made of metal, must be maintained in the legs or a coin or a spoon, another pet of the wealth.
  • If a talisman-the rodent you don't like it, you can always replace it at its most neutral — the spoon. Published in the department with large cuts, a spoon, it will begin to bring to you a large amount. And if you take the silver spoon, she is helping to save what has already been accumulated in that time.

Is more, the traditional methods, with the resource that you need to use the wallet.

More attract good luck:

  • For that in the house he was brought the money, the banknotes in the wallet, should be covering with the oil of patchouli or honey. As only dry, put them back and ğsemántica to change.
  • There are more than a simple recommendation to attract money. Amulet of good luck can become a mint leaf or a bay leaf, put between the slices.

Do not store in the portfolio of checks of the store, business cards or personal photos. All of this is going to interfere with the formation of the effective energy.

Other places of effective amulets

Appear amulets are included in some of the most famous wizards in search of fortune. But there are others. These amulets are very popular and, judging by the comments of the owners, they really help.

That for the charms:

  • Imperial amulet. It is a coin of the time of peter I. the Coin is necessary to wrap the cord or tape and carry. You can carry it in your pocket or on the neck — in the latter case, you will need to drill into his hole.
  • The horde-the amulet of the other house of the coin amulet of good luck. For it you need special of the currency and the cord. The currency must be assembled with a strap in the shape of a cross. As the previous cash magnet, this amulet is accepted to hide under clothing, so no one saw it.
  • You can still use the popular amulet Aunt nina. Divining manufactures of lucky charms silversmiths, and in the morning read about them conspiracies. This ritual makes the currency a magnet for the clean energy, attractive money and good luck.